My increasingly diminishing belief in the moral integrity of Women:
| 1:31 PM (3 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
The preponderance of the evidence is vast and mounting as to Women's lack of truthfulness.
I have got to the point where socially, I would not be able to trust women as a group or individually.
I have also begun to ask myself if I should believe the Female Journalists and Presenters on TV.
Men lie too. That has not been my issue except in the case of damage to my property where
men have lied about what they did, what I did and what the Law was and is, and what Facts
were true.
Most of the Lies told about myself, and Thefts from my Inheritances or Earnings and the continual
and absurd Defamations of myself were the deliberate and calculated and fully intent driven actions
and projects of women. They created a Hysterical Personality Disorder driven False Reality and then
they stuck together and had the Police stick together with them not ever assigning blame to
another woman.
I declared the extortion I was subjected to to the CRA twice. What was wrong with them?
I declared false 911 and Police Detachment alarms about me to be fake to the Chief Crown
Prosecutor in person. What was wrong with the Crown Prosecution Service?
There are numerous men who ascribe to the "She is never Wrong" doctrine and Police do this
as silly buggers as well as through intellectual and moral deficiency.
The Canard that women are always in danger from men should collapse like I do in my case.
No one has ever looked into anyone's actions or declarations to Police when I have complained
to the Crown nor when I published the facts about their wrongdoing and notified my MLA.
No one has investigated at all, not to assign and charge and prosecute the criminal acts.
My attempts to obtain civil damages to remedy the losses and damage done are blocked
by Law Officer's Ironclad control of the Courts.
Women made up most of the lies about me but Tal Dekel uttered henous falsehood about me.
Did his Gangster Spawn Wife Nikki make it up to go along with my Gangster Wife's undetailed,
unevidenced lie that I "abused her and the children." They are sickening repulsive Devils.
Women of Integrity have lost the Default Integrity accorded to everyone.By condoning and protecting
and failing to recognize the wrongdoing of the really Crazy ''Hysterical Personality Disorder "
driven Women, acting out against not only men, but the projects and work of men which they
were not damaged by nor in any danger from in any way.
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