![]() ![]() Women and Money:
Indstead of support I had inheritances amd bank accounts stolen by my Mother. I attended high school in the same clothes every day, geek clothing my Mother bought.When I had three children to support my multi- millionaire Mother made me pay her $475/ month( for 16 years) and I was not given anything. My ex wife had borrowed from My Mother, my Father's money, Mother never worked nor did wife and wife had already spent everything I had. She then borrowed on my DIme AGAINST MY REPEATED OBJECTIONS. My brother and my wife both physically attacked me for obj-ecting in writing and by phone from my own property. I am badly crippled now degenerated from being able to dance on stage to not being able to walk or stand.. I was not guilty; I was falsely imprisoned; there was no valid warrant in this juristiction but that did not matter to the criminally insane torturers. If they are not insane what? Do the Police when they do not have a lawful warrant act in knowing and lucid defiance of Law? ( I self represented, broke lying bastard lawyer for Ward music Fritz Verhooven on the witness stand) I was not guilty and without a valid warrant the local Police deliberately crippled me.again, not guilty but Sooke RCMP Women Misfelt or Hartwig when I said ."I cannot be chilled like this I never can allow something like this to happen I will never be able to dance live on stage again" . Our essential woman doubled down. "You are being punished " she said. Do you know an honest lawyer? Ask about this 262C Torture and there is a 292 or C292 or something like that . All through this time my Uncle Albert's 1.5M will and my Aunt Annette's .5 M will were being altered fraudulently in the uncle's case and through intimidating and harassing my dying aunt in the other. I was unable to do anything, was not knowlegable of so I did not thank any of my patrons, I did not know anything about my inheritances, I never saw a document until years later. The women stole my mail to accomplish this.Bank Robbers, are you not envious? My Mother and my wife stole a half dozen letters and I lost enough money to buy a small Hotel in 1964 $ 10.000.In 198? I was to recieve 1 Million Dollars and a house my Uncle Albert's 150 year old farm house on one acre close to the St Laurence River near Montreal. I did not ever get my mail, Mother anf Puke-Worm Brother Andrew thought I should not know and I did not get one cent of that Million, not a single possessuion, all of which were willed to me and no house and Acre.
Let us support everyone as my blogs demand but don't give me this essential valuable women's speil. The support and service of ecssential women has not been present in my life and all the women declared their intention to dispossess damage and if possible defame me so I would be imprisoned. I have not ever taken a dollar from my wife or my siblings nor have I harmed them or anyone in any way.
LINDONCOLLARD.com look what I do. The women stated that they did not want me to be playing Harmonica live with Rock, Blues. Jazz. Country. I even played Irish Traditional Music in the UK.
How dare people of any sex steal inheritances, cause forced labor and turn the screws of extortion and prohibit the exercicse of career skills.
I was about to e-mail my daughter to tell her how much I missed Vancouver for most of the last forty years. All my Business, Artistic and Musical contacts were there. My ex wife arrogantly and ignorantly said "Target his music, that is all he cares about' to Police and"He's crazy he thinks he is going to be a rock star" "Cut him off from his friends" she said " Lindon needs People".When I was In London England in 1992 I was told to come to the Jazz Club and see Charlie Watts, I was that good. The essential woman was working too. Working the police and Sherriffs.
MY WIFE, ALREADY PAID HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF EXTORTION AND FRAUDULENT DIVORCE FUNDS HAD THE RCMP,THE BCSPC,BAILIFFS HERE TO TRY TO SEIZE MY HOUSE CLAIMING I had abandoned this house and Acerage and MOST OF MY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND AMPLIFIERS. That would be absurd, the Lawyers and the wife and the Police and Sheriffs have to pretend to be braindead or they are braindead and do not notice that this is not how a man would abandon his house. and there is more, all published on my blogs, to be an unrebuttable tale of women's malice and greed. AD ABANDONED IT. IF NO ONE WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE THAT AND ALL MY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND POSSESSIONS WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE ALSO.
I am posting this on my blogs after I re edit for spelling etc.You are welcome to respond, reply or rebut. I find this and there is more, all published on my blogs, to be an unrebuttable tale of women's malice and greed.
![]() ![]() Women and Money:
but. I find this and there is more, all published on my blogs, to be an unrebuttable tale of women's malice and greed.